Conformal Coatings

Heat & UV cured conformal coatings & related thinners from our partner ABchimie™. Latest development are the UV LED cured coatings which have no VOC, are non flammable and will speed up your process significaly.

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UV cured conformal coatings

UV cured coatings provide a faster curing process compared with heat cured alternatives. They are non-flammable and do not contain VOC, which is great to counter VOC regulations and taxes.

The lastest innovation from ABchimie is ABchimie 746E UV LED. This coating is cured with UV LED instead of traditional used UV mercury lamps. This provides a more stable process, less energy consumption and less heat generation. All UV cured coatings from ABchimie have a dual curing mechanism. This means that in shadow area’s (where the UV light can’t reach) the curing is done by moisure taken from the air.

ABchimie has many more products in their portfolio. We only display here the most common ones. You can refer to the ABchimie website ( or ask us for more advice.

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  • to select the right product based on your specific needs
  • to assist you in your product qualification process
  • to guide you with the initial set up of you process at all your worldwide manufacturing facilities
  • to provide fast response on technical issues which could occur at any time during mass production.
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Free-of-Charge cleaning & coating trials

Free-of-Charge cleaning & coating trials

In order to know if our products reach your expectations on your specific part and according to your desired process, we provide FREE-OF-CHARGE cleaning and coating trials in our Technical Centers. A comprehensive technical report detailing all test results and recommendations regarding process & process parameters will be provided. You want to attend the trials? We are happy to welcome you.

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