Polishing product, polymers & resins removal

Solutions for difficult to remove substances like polishing paste, diamond polishing liquid, polymers & resins without harming the substrates they have to removed from. Suited for your desired process and formulated to meet today’s environmental regulations and beyond.

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Diamond Polishing Liquid Cleaning

The machining and polishing of parts that are particularly hard and difficult to work with, such as tungsten carbide cutting tools, require the use of fluids that are especially adapted to these operations.

Liquid diamond polish is widely used in this case but is also particularly sticky and consist of very small particles. The polish liquid deposits in cavities and pores of the parts, which makes the cleaning of these parts challenging. This demands for a precise and repeatable cleaning process for a high-speed production environment.

Inventec offers a range of products whose characteristics allow:

• excellent cleaning result taking into account the porosity of the parts,
• a solution which accommodate high production volumes (long bathlife),
• respecting environmental regulations and criteria.


We only show below the most relevant and newest products in our range. If you don`t find a specific product, you will probably find it with our search option.

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Showing all 2 results

  • Promoclean range - our waterbased cleaners


    • Removing oxides, mineral residues & diamond liquid polishing
    • Aqueous immersion process with ultrasonics
    • Substitute for phosphoric acid based cleaners

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    • Heavy contaminants removal
    • Mono-solvent, co-solvent or spray process
    • Environmental friendly alternative to perchlorethylene & nPB
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  • Tailor-made solution

    You do not find the perfect product ? We can also offer you some tailor-made solution
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Technical support

Inventec has a worldwide dedicated Technical Support team to help you along the different stages of our cooperation.

Depending on your request, we provide online or onsite support

  • to select the right product based on your specific needs
  • to assist you in your product qualification process
  • to guide you with the initial set up of you process at all your worldwide manufacturing facilities
  • to provide fast response on technical issues which could occur at any time during mass production.
Technical support
Free-of-Charge cleaning trials

Free-of-Charge cleaning trials

In order to know if our products reach your expectations on your specific part and according to your desired process, we provide FREE-OF-CHARGE cleaning trials in our Technical Centers. A comprehensive technical report detailing all test results and recommendations regarding process & process parameters will be provided. You want to attend the trials? We are happy to welcome you.

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